ISO 17024:2012 ِAccreditation vs certification

ISO/IEC 17024:2012 contains principles and requirements for a body certifying persons against specific requirements, and includes the development and maintenance of a certification scheme for persons.
PQS is under Process of accredited From EGAC, IAF & IPC for personnel certification bodies to ISO/IEC Standard 17024 and is a signatory to the International Accreditation Forum (IAF). This accreditation will provides a global benchmark for personnel certification schemes to operate in a consistent, comparable and reliable manner worldwide. Accreditation supports the increasing technological and global specialization of skills and personnel.
PQS has establish, develop, maintains, implements and continually improves a quality system, in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024:2012.
PQS has developed an organization structure that ensures the commitment of the company to structure and manage the certification activities in a manner to safeguard impartiality.
PQS has establish, develop, maintains, implements and continually improves a quality system, in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17024:2012.
PQS has developed an organization structure that ensures the commitment of the company to structure and manage the certification activities in a manner to safeguard impartiality.
Certification Process Procedure
- Procedures description
- Receive an Application: Invigilator processes the application F02-01, screens the application and informs the applicant it has been received.
- Confirm an Application Is Complete: Invigilator gathers other data (reference evaluations, documents, etc.), obtains missing data from the applicant to ensure the form is complete , and advises panel of certifiers that the application is ready for review.
- Review that the Candidate is Eligible for Examination: panel of certifiers studies the applications and decide whether the candidates are eligible for the exam or not F02-01. They deliver the result to the Invigilator. if the applicant is not eligible, the Invigilator informs him/her of the result and he/she has the right to claim and appeal according to the certification scheme IPC-PL-11-006. If the applicant is eligible then the Invigilator informs both the applicant and the examination panel to imitate the examination process.
- Administer the Examination(s): the Invigilator and the panel of examiners arrange for the examinations, compiles the examination activities according to examination panel Procedure (P02) and appends the examination results to the application
- Review the Examination Results to Award the Certificate: panel of certifiers reviews that the candidate’s examination results were impartial, fair, reliable, the appropriate forms of examination.
- If the Candidate Failed the Examinations: the Invigilator informs him/her of the result and he/she has the right to claim and appeal according to the certification scheme IPC-PL-11-006.
- Issue the Certificate: Invigilator forwards the initial Certificate approved by the chief certifier, with explanation of the re-certification process and timing.
Note (1): PQS shall ensure the impartiality, confidentiality, security of information measures are applied and fulfilled in accordance with the quality manual documents.
Note (2): suspension, withdrawing, decreasing level of certificate shall be followed according to the certification scheme.
Note (3): Upon the completion of the exam, the answer sheets shall be collected along with the exam sheets by invigilators and put in the sealed envelope to be securely handled to Impartiality officer.
Note (4) Although it is reviewed by the (the scheme owner), the certification scheme is reviewed annually by certification scheme panel to raise any comments may found to the scheme owner
Impartiality, appeals and complaint panel Procedure
- Procedures description
- Impartiality panel Forming
- Impartiality panel is formed and appointed annually.
- Top management may invite (1) technical experts in the MS auditors filed which are known for integrity and impartiality to join the panel on a voluntary basis.
- Top management shall vote for whom will be representing the company in the scheme panel.
- Once invited members agreed to join the scheme panel and management representative is nominated, an election based on voting to elect the chief panel should be occurred. The election shall consider the experience and commitment of the panel chief.
- Panel responsibilities and authorities.
- The panel shall ensure that the IPC MS auditors certification scheme contain the following elements:
- Scope of certification,
- Job and task description,
- Required competence
- Prerequisites
- Code of conduct
- The panel shall ensure that the IPC MS auditors certification scheme fulfill the following requirements:
- criteria for initial certification and recertification;
- assessment methods for initial certification and recertification;
- criteria for suspending and withdrawing certification;
- The panel shall review the validation for IPC MS auditors certification scheme annually and shall download the new version of the scheme ensure the changes are performed.
- The panel shall maintain the impartiality and ensure that the training service is separate from the certification activities.
- The panel shall investigate the appeals against decisions on certification.
- The panel shall maintain the impartiality and ensure that the training service is separate from the certification activities.
- PQS, from top management downward, commits itself to impartiality in its certification activities. PQS understands the importance of impartiality in carrying out its certification activities, manages conflict of interest and ensures the objectivity of its certification activities.This is accomplished by all persons involved in certification activities including PQS Center staff members and member volunteers through compliance to PQS structure, policies and procedures related to certification activities.
PREREQUISITES: are according to IPC-PL-11-006
1. Education 1.1. Applicants for certification should have completed at least secondary education (typically all the years full-time schooling prior to university entrance). Documented evidence of the education claimed will be required.
1.2. As an alternative, applicants may be considered for certification if they can document 8 years’ full time work experience and satisfy the PCB that they have achieved a satisfactory level of knowledge relevant to Management Systems auditing.
2. Work Experience
2.1. Applicants for all grades with post-secondary education degree shall have at least 4 years full-time (or part time work that totals 4 years) work experience in a technical, professional or management position of accountability involving the exercise of judgement. This period shall be increased to 5 years for applicants with secondary education.
2.2. Applicants shall provide documentary evidence of work experience; this evidence may be presented in the form of employer references giving information on work actually carried out and positions held.
2.3. As an alternative to the documentation requirement in 2.2, the applicants can provide a signed self-declaration, giving information on work actually carried out and positions held.
3. Management System Work Experience
Applicants shall have a minimum of 2 years’ relevant experience in the implementation, operation, and/or auditing of management systems, which provides the practical knowledge necessary to effectively audit such management systems.
4. Training
– Applicants shall have completed MS auditor training.
– PQS not require the candidates to complete the PCB’s own training and as an exclusive prerequisite.
– The training shall cover a minimum of 40 hours training.
– Training performed by in-class courses, e-learning or other suitable learning method is acceptable.
5. Auditing Experience
All auditing experience shall have been gained in the three-year period prior to certification. Proof for having executed the required number of audits shall be presented.
5.1. Audits for IPC MS Auditor
5.1.1. The totality of auditing experience for an applicant’s IPC MS auditor grade certification shall be based on requirements of an applicable management system standard as described in IPC-PL-11-006 annex 1, 2, 6, 7, 10.
The experience shall comprise the entire audit process from preparation to reporting, in accordance with ISO 19011 or ISO/IEC 17021. This is referred to as a complete audit.
5.1.2. The applicant shall have acted as a member of an audit team, team leader or as sole auditor on at least 4 complete audits, the total duration of which shall be a minimum of 20 days including preparation and reporting with a minimum of not less than 8 days on site.
5.2. Audits for IPC MS Lead Auditor
5.2.1. Applicants for IPC MS Lead Auditor shall satisfy all auditing and competence evaluation requirements for IPC MS Auditor, and shall have satisfactorily performed as a team leader in at least 3 of the audits required, as described in 5.1.2.
5.2.2. The audits in which the applicant was team leader shall cover the entire audit process from preparation to reporting in accordance with ISO 19011 or the ISO/IEC 17021 family. First party (internal audits), second party (audit of a supplier) and third party (audit by an independent organization) are acceptable audits.
Upgrade from IPC auditor to IPC lead auditor
– Upgrade can be done with recertification.
– Upgrade applicant must have a valid IPC Auditor certificate, must document that the Lead Auditor examination has been passed for both the written and oral part, and must provide documentation that at least one of the three audit required for rectification has been performed in the capacity of lead auditor, leading a team of at least one other auditor.