Certification Released

Certification services for ISO System Certification
List of Certification Released Offered by Us:
ISO 9001:2015 |
Quality management system certification |
ISO 14001:2015 | Environment management system certification |
ISO 22000:2018 | Food safety management system certification |
ISO 13485:2016 | Medical devices quality management systems requirements |
ISO 45001:2018 | Occupation, health & safety |
ISO 27001:2022 | Information security management system certification |
ISO 50001:2018 | Energy management system certification |
ISO 20000-1:2018 | Information Technology Management Systems |
ISO 21001:2018 | Educational Organizations Management Systems |
ISO 22301:2019 | Business Continuity Management Systems |
FSSC 22000 | Food Safety System Certificate |
HALAL | HALAL Certificate |
ISO 29993:2017 | Educational Organizations Management Systems |
ISO 29994:2021 | Educational Organizations Management Systems |
ISO 39001:2018 | Road Traffic Safety Management System |
ISO 41001:2018 | Facility Management System |
ISO 55001:2014 | Asset Management System |
ISO 10002:2018 | Customer Complain Handling Management System |
ISO 37001:2016 | Anti-bribery Management System |
PQS Public information’s Related to Our Clients
General Conditions for System Certification
- 1. Scope
General Conditions for System Certification is applied for certificates issued by PQS that comply
with the requirements of ISO/IEC17021-1:2015, and Accreditation Requirements For Certification
Bodies Of Management Systems Certifications in certifying (QMS) ISO 9001:2015& (EMS) ISO
17021-2:2016, ISO 14001:2015&(OHSMS) ISO 17021-10:2018, ISO 45001:2018&ISO
22000:2018(FSMS),ISO/TS 22003:2013, FSSC 22000 V5.1 & (MDQMS) ISO 13485: 2016, IAF
MD 9 &(EnMS)ISO 50001:2018,ISO 50003:2014 , (ISMS)ISO 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27006:2015 ,
ISO 20000-1:2018(ITMS) , ISO 22301:2019(BCMS) , ISO 21001:2018(EOMS) .
The following General Conditions for System Certification is applied for certificates issued by PQS
Since the decision to issue certificate is at the sole discretion of PQS for the scope of certification
management system.
Herein after the following terms are defined as follows:
“Company” Certification Body or “PQS” means Pioneers of Quality Systems &
Certifications Co.LTD..
“Client” means any person/organization applying for systems or services certification.
“Contract” means the entire agreement between the company and the client with respect to
the subject matter hereof.
Where a certificate is issued to the client, the company shall carry out its services in
accordance with the PQS approved procedures designated to issue such certificate and
requirement of accreditation body.
The Client acknowledges that, in entering into the Contract, it does not rely on any
representation, warranty or other provision except as expressly provided in the Contract. Any
conditions or stipulations included in the Client standard form documents which are
inconsistent with, or which purport to modify or add to, the Certification Conditions shall
have no effect unless expressly accepted in writing by the Company.
PQS Management system Certification services are covering the following:
(a) Management system certification services in accordance to international or national standards;
(b) Management system certification services in accordance to non-mandatory normative
documents, specifications or technical regulations;
(c) Second party audits, pre-assessments according to international or national standards, nonmandatory
normative documents, specifications or technical regulations;
PQS did not conduct any kind of management system consultations and or internal audits to
Certification, suspension, withdrawal or cancellation of a Certificate shall be in
Accordance with the applicable Codes of Practice.
4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CLIENT - The Client shall ensure that all necessary product samples, access, assistance, information
and facilities are made available to the Company when required; including the assistance of
properly briefed and authorized personnel of the Client. The Client shall in addition provide
the Company free of charge suitable space for conducting meetings.
In order to allow the Company to comply with the applicable health and safety legislation,
the Client shall provide the Company with all available information regarding known or
potential hazards likely to be encountered by the Company personnel during their visits. The
Company shall ensure that whilst on the Client’s premises, its personnel comply with all
health and safety regulations of the Client.
The Client may only reproduce or publish extracts of any report of the company if the name
of the company does not appear in any way or the Client has obtained the prior written
authorization of the Company. The client shall not publicize details of the way in which the
Company performs, conducts or executes its operations.
The fees quoted to the Client cover all stages leading to completion of the assessment
programme or operations and the submission of the Report and of the periodic surveillances
to be carried out by the Company for the maintenance of the Certificate. As fees are based on
the charge rate applicable at the time of submitting a Proposal, the Company reserves the
right to increase charges during the registration period The Company may also increase its
charges if the Clients instructions are found subsequently to be not in accordance with the
Initial details supplied or used for the purpose of obtaining a fee quotation. Clients will be
notified of any increase in fees.
Additional fees shall be charged for operations that are not included in the agreed proposal
and for surveillances required due to non-conformances being identified. These will include.
Costs resulting from:
Repeats or any part, or all of the assessment programme or operations due to the registration
procedures and rules not being met;
Additional work due to suspension. Withdrawal and/or reinstatement of a Certificate.
Reassessment due to changes in the management system or products; or
Compliance with any subpoena tor documents or testimony relating to work performed by
the Company.
Additional fees will be payable at the Company’s charging rates in force from time to time in
respect of rush orders. Cancellation or rescheduling of services or any partial or full repeats
of the assessment programme or operations which are required as set out in the Codes of
Unless otherwise stated all fees quoted are exclusive of travelling and subsistence costs
(which will be charged to the Client at cost). All fees and additional charges are exclusive of
any applicable Value Added Tax, Sales Tax or similar tax in the country concerned.
Following submission of the Report to the Client, the Company shall issue an invoice to the
Client. Invoices for additional and further work will be issued on completion of the relevant
task. Unless advance payment has been agreed upon, all invoices are payable within 21 days
of the date of each invoice regardless of whether the Client’s system or products qualify for
certification. - 6. ARCHIVAL STORAGE
The Company retained in its archive for the period required by an accreditation body or by
law in the country of the Certification Body all materials relating to the assessment
programme and surveillance programme relating to that Certificate. In PQS (4 cycle of
The Contracts are generally meant to last for fixed periods of time either directly related to
the validity of the relevant Certificates issued or to the type of Services to be rendered, they
may be renewed thereafter.
The Company is entitled, at any time, to terminate the Contract by reason of serious default
by the Client in its obligations by giving not less than thirty days’ notice in writing to the
Client after the Client failed to fix the notified default within 30 days from notification.
If the Company is prevented by reason of any cause whatsoever outside the Company’s
control from performing or completing any service for which a Contract has been made, the
Client will pay to the Company:
(a) The amount of all abortive expenditures actually made or incurred;
(b) A proportion of the agreed fees equal to the proportion (if any) of the service actually
carried out; And the Company shall be relieved of all responsibility whatsoever for the
partial or total non-performance of the required services.
The Company undertakes to exercise due care and skill in the performance of its services and
accepts responsibility only in cases of proven negligence.
The Company shall have no liability to the Client arising out of or in connection with the
Contract and its performance by reason of any representation or the breach of any express or
implied condition, warranty or other term of any duty at common law or under any statute for
any indirect, special or consequential loss of the Client (including loss of profits), and the
total liability of the Company to the Client in respect of any other loss shall be limited, in
respect of anyone event or series of connected events, to all amount equal to the fees paid to
the Company under the Contract: (excluding Value Added tax thereon).
The Company shall be discharged from all liability to the Client for all claims for loss,
damage or expense unless suit is brought within one year after the date of the performance by
the Company of the service which gives rise to the claim or in the event of any alleged nonperformance
within one year of the date when such service should have been completed.
The Company is neither an insurer nor a guarantor and disclaims all liability in such
capacity. Clients seeking a guarantee against loss or damage should obtain appropriate
insurance. - The Client acknowledges that the Company does not, either by entering into the Contract or
by performing the services rendered, assume, abridge or undertake to discharge any duty of
the Client to any other person. - 10. DISPUTES
All disputes arising from the provision of services hereunder shall provided by the Company
to a Client both having their registered offices in the same country, be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of such country and all disputes shall be submitted to
the jurisdiction of the competent courts of such country. -
Certification Principles for System Certification
Certification principles that comply with the requirements of ISO/IEC17021-1:2015, and
Accreditation Requirements For Certification Bodies Of Management Systems Certifications in
certifying (QMS) ISO 9001:2015& (EMS) ISO 17021-2:2016, ISO 14001:2015&(OHSMS) ISO
17021-10:2018, ISO 45001:2018&ISO 22000:2018(FSMS),ISO/TS 22003:2013, FSSC 22000 V5.1
& (MDQMS) ISO 13485: 2016, IAF MD 9 &(EnMS)ISO 50001:2018,ISO 50003:2014 ,
(ISMS)ISO 27001:2013, ISO/IEC 27006:2015 ,ISO 20000-1:2018(ITMS), ISO 22301:2019(BCMS)
, ISO 21001:2018(EOMS) .
PQS provides services to persons, firms or companies (each a “Client”)
PQS may provide its services directly through its own employees or freelancers, where part
of the work is subcontracted to others; PQS retains full responsibility for granting,
maintaining, extending, reducing, suspending or withdrawing certification and for
ensuring that properly, documented agreements are in place.
PQS will notify its clients of any changes to the requirements for certification within a
reasonable timeframe.
PQS maintains confidentiality at all levels of its organisation concerning information
obtained in the course of its business.
No information will be disclosed to any third party unless in response to legal process or
required by an accreditation body as part of the accreditation process.
The client’s name, location, scope of certification and contact numbers may be entered into
relevant directories.
PQS maintains its own directory of certified clients, which is publicly available via the PQS
site, This will be informative about requesting the status of any valid , suspended, cancelled
or withdrawn certificates.
A copy of the organisation chart of PQS, showing the responsibility and reporting structure
of the organisation, and documentation identifying the legal status of PQS are available on
On receipt of a completed Questionnaire (provide by PQS upon request), application review
is performed and a Proposal (Quotation) is sent to the Client outlining the scope and costs of
the services. Once the Quotation is accepted, , the project will be allocated to an lead auditor - who will be responsible for ensuring that the services are carried out in accordance with the
procedures of PQS.
In order to obtain and retain certification, the Client shall comply with the following
procedures and rules:
The client shall make available to PQS all documents, samples of products, drawings,
specifications and other information required by PQS to complete the assessment
programme and shall appoint a designated person who is authorised to maintain contact
with PQS:
PQS, if not satisfied that all certification requirements are met, shall inform the client of
those aspects in which the application has failed;
When the client can show that remedial action has been taken by it, within the time limit
specified by PQS, to meet all the requirements, PQS will arrange, at additional cost to the
client, to repeat only the necessary parts of the assessment based on the man/days
required for assessment.
If the Client fails to take acceptable remedial action within the specified time limit it may
be necessary for PQS, at additional cost, to repeat the assessment in full.
Clients shall when requested accommodate the presence of observers during assessments.
E.g. accreditation auditors or trainee auditors.
When PQS is satisfied that the client meets all the certification requirements, it will
inform the client and issue a certificate. The certificate shall remain the property of PQS
and may only be copied or reproduced for the benefit of a third party if the word “copy”‘
is marked thereon the certificate will remain valid, until its expiry, unless surveillance
reveals that the management system and/or products of the client no longer meet the
standards, norms or regulations.
The company reserves the right to decide, on a case-by-case basis, at its sole discretion
and after taking into account various local requirements. That the issuance of the
certificate will be conditioned to the full payment of the company’s fees and costs in
connection with the said certificate or any prior services performed for the client.
Upon issuance at a certificate, PQS may also authorise the client to use a designated
certification mark.
A client’s right to use any such mark is contingent on maintaining a valid certificate in
respect of the certified management system and compliance with the regulations
governing the use of the mark issued by PQS. - A client who has been authorised to use the mark of an accrediting body must also
comply with the rules governing the mark at such body.
Improper use of such a mark is Non- Conformity with certification requirements and
could result in suspension or withdrawal of certification.
Periodic surveillances shall be carried out and shall cover aspects of the management
system, documentation, manufacturing and distributing processes and products,
depending on the type of certification services provided, at the discretion of the
nominated auditor.
The client shall give access to all sites or products for surveillance purposes whenever
deemed necessary and PQS shall reserve the right to make unannounced visits as
The client shall maintain a register recording all customer complaints and safety related
incidents reported by an enforcing authority or users relating to those covered by the
certificate and make this available to PQS on request.
The client shall be informed of the results of each surveillance visit.
Clients wishing to revalidate certificates approaching the end of their cycles shall apply
under the procedure set in Clause 5.
Clients are generally informed of the requirement for recertification during the prerecertification
visit, which is the last surveillance visit of each cycle, but sole
responsibility for timely filing the recertification application shall be with the Client.
In order to extend the scope of a certificate to cover additional sites or products, client
shall complete a new Questionnaire.
The application procedure outlined in Clause 5 will be followed and an assessment will
be carried out on those areas/products not previously covered.
The cost of extending the scope of certification shall be based on the nature and
programme of work following successful assessment, an amended certificate will be
issued covering those aspects covered by the extended scope.
The client shall inform PQS in writing of any intended modification to the management
system, products or manufacturing process, which may affect compliance with the
standards, norms or regulations. - PQS will determine whether the notified changes require additional assessment. Failure
to notify PQS of any intended modification may result in suspension of the certificate.
In compliance with the applicable regulations governing the relevant mark(s), a client
may render public that its relevant management system have been certified and may print
the relevant certification mark on stationery and publicity materials relating to the scope
of certification.
In any case, the Client shall ensure that its announcements and advertising material do
not create confusion or could otherwise mislead third parties about certified and noncertified
systems, products or sites.
Management system certification does not mean product certification, so client is not
allowed to put the certification marks within its products.
PQS shall take suitable action, at the expense of the client, to deal with incorrect or
misleading references to certification or use of certificates and certification marks. These
include suspension or withdrawal of certificate, legal action and/or publication of the
A Certificate may be suspended by PQS for a limited period in cases such as the following:
If a Corrective Action Request has not been satisfactorily completed within the
designated time limit.
If a case of misuse as described in Clause 14 is not corrected by suitable retractions or
other appropriate remedial measures by the Client.
If there has been any contravention of the Proposal, Application for Registration, General
Conditions for System, Product and Service Certification, these Codes of Practice or the
Regulations governing the use of the certification mark.
If products are being placed on the market in an unsafe or nonconforming condition. - PQS will confirm in writing to the Client the suspension of a Certificate. At the same
time, PQS shall indicate under which conditions the suspension will be removed. At the
end of the suspension period, an investigation will be carried out to determine whether
the indicated conditions for reinstating the Certificate have been fulfilled. On fulfilment
of these conditions the suspension shall be lifted and the Client notified of the Certificate
reinstatement. If the conditions are not fulfilled the Certificate shall be withdrawn.
All costs incurred by PQS in suspending and reinstating a Certificate will be charged to the
A Certificate may be withdrawn if:
The Client takes inadequate measures in case of suspension.
PQS terminates its contract with the Client. In any of these cases, PQS has the right to
withdraw the Certificate by informing the Client in writing.
The Client may give notice of appeal (see Clause 19).
In cases of withdrawal, no reimbursement of assessment fees shall be given and withdrawal
of the Certificate shall be published by PQS and notified to the appropriate accreditation
body, if any.
A Certificate will be cancelled if:
The Client advises PQS in writing that it does not wish to renew the certificate or goes
out of business.
the Client no longer offers the products or
The Client does not timely commence application for renewal.
In cases of cancellation due to reason form client side, no reimbursement of assessment
fees shall be given and notified to the appropriate accreditation body, if any.
PQS, in its absolute discretion, generally recognises the certificates issued by other
accredited organisations where this does not compromise the Integrity of a system
The Client has the right to appeal any of the decisions made by PQS.
Notification of the intention to appeal must be made in writing and Received by PQS
within seven days of receipt.
PQS shall be required to submit evidence to support its decision. Any decision of PQS
shall remain in force until the outcome of the appeal. - The decision of the involved committee shall be final and binding on both the Client and
PQS. Once the decision regarding an appeal has been made, no counter-claim by either
party in dispute can be made to amend or change this decision.
In instances where the appeal has been successful, no claim can be made against PQS for
reimbursement of costs or any other losses incurred.
If anybody has a cause to complain to PQS, the complaint shall be made in writing,
without delay, and addressed to the Certification Manager of PQS. If the complaint is
made against the Certification Manager himself, the letter of complaint shall be addressed
to the Managing Director of PQS.
The complaint shall be acknowledged in writing following receipt. The complaint will
then be independently investigated by PQS and closed on satisfactory conclusion of the
investigation. Following closure the complainant will be informed that the investigation
has reached its conclusion.
PQS reserves the right to add or delete or change these codes of practice without prior
notification.Unless otherwise explicitly agreed in writing, all services are performed
according to the general conditions for system & service certifications services. In case of
conflict with any other provision, the latter shall prevail. -
Impartiality, Independence And Confidentiality Statement
- PQS Top management is committed to Impartiality, Independence, and
Impartiality Statement:
PQS top management acknowledges the importance of the integrity and impartiality in carrying out
inspection and certification services and carries out its operations fairly, reliably and free from any bias.
PQS is committed to safeguarding impartiality through identifying and assessing risks in all related
certification activities to ensure that impartiality is never compromised.
PQS and its employees undertake to manage Impartiality and independence in such a way to safeguard and
promote objectivity, freedom from conflict of interests, freedom from bias, lack of prejudice, neutrality,
fairness, open-mindedness, even-handedness, detachment and a balance in its management system
certification and inspection activities and throughout the organization.
PQS is an independent certification body that provides third party certification where:
PQS is independent from all parties involved.
PQS and its personnel are not engaged in any activities (including design, manufacture, supply, installation,
purchase, ownership, use or maintenance of the client products/system) that may conflict with their
independence of judgment and integrity in relation to their inspection or certification activities.
PQS is not part of a legal entity that is engaged in design, manufacture, supply, installation, purchase,
ownership, use or maintenance of the client products/system/process..
PQS maintains confidentiality at all levels of its organization concerning information obtained in the course of
its business.
No information will be disclosed to any third party unless in response to legal process or required by an
accreditation body as part of the accreditation process.